The African Plant Breeders Association (APBA) Conference was initiated in 2019 to disseminate the latest knowledge and achievements in the field of agriculture, to enhance research and development (R&D) for sustainable agriculture production systems in Africa.

CIMMYT researchers will join plant breeders, students, private companies and national agriculture policymakers to share research advancements in line with CIMMYT’s 2030 Strategy to achieve more resilient agrifood and cropping systems for greater food security in the region.
Register for side events and see entire program:
CIMMYT’s participation at the African Plant Breeders Association (APBA)
Plenary session | October 24 | 2:30 – 3 p.m. (GMT+1)
Re-designing crop varieties to win the race between climate change and food security
CIMMYT speaker: Kevin Pixley, director of Dryland Crops and Global Wheat
This session will spotlight African experts from NARO, CSIR and CIMMYT on anticipated changes and desirable or essential traits for key crops to succeed in future environments.
High-level panel | October 24 | 3:45 – 4:45 p.m. (GMT +1)
Re-Designing Crop Varieties to Win the Race Between Climate Change and Food Security
CIMMYT and CGIAR moderator: Chris Ojiewo, lead, CGIAR Seed Equal Initiative
Panelists: NARES and CGIAR Research Centers
Abstract sessions
Inclusive approach to early generation seed production and delivery systems: experiences from sub-Saharan Africa
CIMMYT speaker: Chris Ojiewo, lead, CGIAR Seed Equal Initiative
Costing of Breeding Program: CGIAR-NARES-Breeding Crop Network
CIMMYT speaker: Lennin Musundire, CGIAR Accelerated Breeding Initiative