Winners of the 2018 MAIZE Youth Innovators Awards – Asia announced
Four awardees are using modern technologies, dedicated to new knowledge and with hopes to improve the world.
Researchers find “hotspot” regions in the wheat genome for high zinc content, new study shows
What is green manure? And how is it helping maize farmers?
Ten farmers in a hot and dry area of Zimbabwe trial intercropping legumes and green manure cover crops alongside their maize, to assess their impact on soil fertility.
CIMMYT recognized for support in restoring Guatemalan seed systems after hurricane
The seed varieties stored in the CIMMYT germplasm bank were of vital importance in efforts to restore food security in the aftermath of Hurricane Stan.
New publications: Germplasm bank accessions add value to elite wheat lines
For the first time ever, a research team of more than 40 scientists has genetically characterized values of exotics in hexaploid wheat.
Suitcase-sized lab speeds up wheat rust diagnosis
MARPLE (Mobile And Real-time PLant disEase) is a portable testing lab which could help speed-up the identification of devastating wheat rust diseases in Africa.
Towards more sustainable food systems through a landscape lens
Participants in GLF Nairobi 2018 called for concrete collective action to restore degraded landscapes.
CIMMYT collaborator wins Norman Borlaug Award for Field Research and Application
Matthew Rouse, a researcher with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is being recognized for his work to contain and reduce the impact of Ug99.