Breaking Ground: Tawanda Mashonganyika unites crop breeders and market experts for more impactful varieties
He supports breeders to design new varieties focused on replacing older products in a specific market.
Mexican Secretary of Agriculture joins new partners and longtime collaborators in Obregon
Villalobos recognized the immense work ahead, but was optimistic that young scientists could carry on the legacy of Norman Borlaug.
To protect the world’s pasta, scientists peered inside fettuccine’s DNA
Source: Popular Science (8 Apr 2019)
CIMMYT wheat breeder Karim Ammar and collaborators are sequencing different strains of durum wheat to compare properties.
Zimbabwe Agriseeds partners CIMMYT in production of new drought tolerant cultivars
Source: Food Business Africa (3 Apr 2019)
Partnership will facilitate production of drought tolerant varieties in the wake of persistent climate change.
Fighting hidden hunger with agricultural innovation
On World Health Day, we are sharing five stories showing how CIMMYT is combatting hidden hunger and how agricultural research and innovation leads to healthier families, improved livelihoods and a healthier planet.
Ministry decries decline in food production
Source: KBC (3 Apr 2019)
Stephen Mugo says there is a need to mechanize agriculture for improved production.
Towards Climate-Smart And Sustainable Agriculture in India
Source: Outlook (1 Apr 2019)
CIMMYT, NICRA, ICAR and other partners jointly implemented the Climate-Resilient Agricultural Practices – Climate-Smart Villages Project, which is now being scaled up.
How the data revolution could help design better agronomic investments
Researchers are using data and tools to produce information that can help farmers, research institutions and governments take better decisions on agronomic practices and investments.
Old for new, using ancient genetic variation to supercharge wheat
Source: (27 Mar 2019)
Gemma Molero, wheat physiologist at CIMMYT, collaborated on a paper that presents a valuable step forward in increasing wheat yield potential.
Candidate for FAO leadership Qu Dongyu visits CIMMYT’s headquarters to sign MoU and strengthen collaboration
China’s vice minister of agriculture and rural affairs, Qu Dongyu, visited the global headquarters of CIMMYT.
Ethiopia calls for continued collaboration to increase wheat production and meet nutritional and food security
CIMMYT and EIAR officially closed a wheat seed scaling project that benefitted 131,132 households.
Wheat gene map to help ‘feed the world’
Source: BBC News (1 Mar 2019)
CIMMYT’s head of wheat research Ravi Singh commented on the publication of the wheat gene map.
Q&A with 2019 Women in Triticum awardee Carolina Rivera
CIMMYT scientist Carolina Rivera is one of the six recipients of the 2019 Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career Award.
Innovative irrigation promises “more crop per drop” for India’s water-stressed cereals
A study demonstrates how rice and wheat can be grown using 40 percent less water.
CIMMYT and UAS-Bangalore to establish a maize doubled haploid facility in Karnataka, India
Occupying 12 acres of land, the facility is expected to produce at least 30,000 DH lines a year.