Rebuttal letter sets the record straight on crop breeding for climate change resilience
Crop scientists refute the flawed findings of a study questioning climate resilience in modern wheat breeding.
Looking forward, looking back
Partners from four countries reflect and plan ahead after five years of the SRFSI project.
You can grow wheat, rice with 40% less water-research shows
Source: Daily Trust (23 May 2019)
CIMMYT researchers report a sub-surface drip fertigation system combined with conservation agriculture uses less water to produce the same wheat and rice yields.
Tracing maize landraces, 50 years later
Scientists track down the families in Morelos, Mexico, who donated maize landraces to CIMMYT in 1966-67. Would they still be cultivating them?
Zim to get 1 670 tractors
Source: The Herald (21 May 2019)
Announcement by Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement was made at CIMMYT FACASI project meeting.
Wild wheat relative genes to aid in battle against trio of pests
Source: (17 May 2019)
CIMMYT developed wheat lines to defend against pests by breeding durum wheat and Aegilops tauschii, a progenitor species of wheat.
MARPLE team recognized for international impact
Research team behind revolutionary field test for wheat disease wins prestigious BBSRC prize.
Winners of 2019 MAIZE Youth Innovators Awards – Africa announced
The five young awardees are advancing change, innovation and research in their communities.
Fact sheet debunking labor and mechanization myths presented in Zimbabwe
Research shows African farming households are far more dependent on hire labor markets, and much more inclined to hire mechanization services, than previously thought.
Sustaining the production and demand of Quality Protein Maize in Ethiopia
As the Nutritious Maize for Ethiopia (NuME) project comes to an end, partners draw plans to extend its impact.
CIMMYT and GOAL team up to help farmers in Zimbabwe fight fall armyworm
Identifying best practices to fight the invasive pest.
Book launch: Lead farmers in eastern and southern Africa
A new book draws on experiences of men and women farmers across eastern and southern Africa who bravely embraced change to improve their farming methods and the lives and livelihoods of their families.
Transforming African agriculture through mechanization
Source: The Nigerian Voice (3 May 2019)
The FACASI project has benefited over a hundred young people from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
New role in Nepal is “a dream come true”
Cynthia Carmona on her transition from grant management in Mexico to project management in Nepal.
The geese in Morelos, Mexico
Source: La Repubblica (2 May 2019)
Researchers from CIMMYT, the University of Wageningen and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna published a tracing study on abandonment of maize landraces over the last 50 years in Morelos.