Power steering
Women in Bangladesh start successful businesses using power-tiller-operated seeders.
Consider the seed
The second installment in the CGIAR International Year of Plant Health Webinar Series tackles the often-overlooked issue of germplasm health.
Capacitating farmers and development agents through radio
CIMMYT partnered with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)-EA, and Fana Broadcasting Corporate to deliver seasonal and operational agroclimate and COVID-19 advisories for farmers to support farm decisions.
Crop nutrient management using digital tool improves yield, reduces greenhouse gas emissions: Study
Source: Down To Earth (5 Mar 2021)
A study led by CIMMYT found that the use of field-specific fertilizer in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) can increase grain yield, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and boost incomes for farmers.
Researchers identify optimal strategy to maximize genomic estimated breeding values
Genomic selection breeding approach paves the way to better maize and wheat in farmers’ fields faster.
Scientist boosted global wheat yield with disease-resistant varieties
Source: The Sydney Morning Herald (3 Mar 2021)
Sanjaya Rajaram, a world-renowned wheat breeder and scientist recognized with the World Food Prize, died on February 17 from COVID-19 in Ciudad Obregon, Mexico.
Bill Gates highlights CIMMYT’s innovation in latest climate book
One of CIMMYT and CGIAR’s biggest supporters, he sets out on a virtual book tour to spark collaborative action toward avoiding a climate disaster and calls for innovations in almost everything that we do.
New publications: Doubled haploids in maize — development, deployment and challenges
CIMMYT researchers outline the potential opportunities and key challenges of doubled haploid line development in maize.
Groundwater depletion in India could reduce winter cropped acreage significantly in years ahead
Switch to irrigation canals will not fully compensate for the expected loss of groundwater in Indian agriculture, new study concludes.
Breaking Ground: Dyutiman Choudhary builds strong agribusinesses for sustainable economic growth
CIMMYT market development specialist works to strengthen the seed and fertilizer market systems and value chains in Nepal.
Drought-tolerant maize project pioneers a winning strategy for a world facing climate change
As partners come together as One CGIAR to enact a bold climate-centered strategy, projects like CIMMYT and IITA’s decades-long work on climate-smart maize can help show the way forward.
Remembering the Legacy of Distinguished Wheat Breeder Sanjaya Rajaram
Source: AgriBusiness Global (23 Feb 2021)
A leader of wheat breeding and later director of CIMMYT’s Global Wheat Program, Sanjaya Rajaram passed away at the age of 78.
Five big steps toward wheat self-sufficiency in Pakistan
Pakistan’s goal to achieve self-sufficiency in wheat production just became more attainable with the release of five new wheat varieties.
First complete cytological characterization of the 2NvS translocation
Study validates importance and uncovers new benefits of crucial wheat genome segment.
The global network safeguarding the world’s wheat
Interactive map illustrates impacts of BGRI’s 15 years of collaboration for disease- and climate-resilient wheat.