Capturing a clearer picture
Researchers, extension services, partners and policymakers can better support feminization of agriculture processes in the Indo-Gangetic Plains through improved research and recommendations.
Maíz: en equipo, locos por la genética
Source: La Nación (26 Jun 2021)
An article in La Nación praises the work of a number of research institutions, including CIMMYT, for their use of science and technology to develop hybrid maize lines adapted to the needs of farmers, markets and consumers.
Cereal grain harvesting and post-harvest machinery in Nepal
National value chain study presents an overview of the country’s maize, wheat and rice harvesting equipment, from manufacturing and imports to farm-level service provision.
Bangladesh could largely reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture while increasing efficiency in production
Farmers could save costs and contribute to climate mitigation by adopting easy-to-access farming methods like better nitrogen management, intermittent irrigation, and strip tillage, study shows.
La Agricultura de Conservación, una oportunidad para afrontar los retos presentes y futuros de la agricultura
Source: Agroinformación (22 Jun 2021)
At the 8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Martin Kropff argued that “agriculture cannot take a toll on the environment”, praising conservation agriculture for its contribution to building resilience to drought.
Hybrid seed production and marketing advances
Fostering private sector engagement to develop and scale locally-produced hybrids seeds in Nepal.
Hands-on experience in seed production
Postgraduate students visit a hybrid maize seed company as part of drive to enhance partnerships between Nepal’s agricultural universities and the seed industry.
AAA drought-tolerant maize now available in Myanmar
The TA5085 variety will benefit farmers producing under rain-fed conditions in drought-prone areas, like Myanmar’s central dry zones.
New integrated methodology supports inclusive and resilient global food systems transformation
CGIAR centers present methodology for transforming resource-constrained, polluting and vulnerable farming into inclusive, sustainable and resilient food systems that deliver healthy and affordable diets for all within planetary boundaries.
Report links wheat blast pandemic on three continents
Source: World Grain (19 Mar 2021)
Genetic analyses show that a destructive wheat blast fungus that travelled from South America to South East Asia is now established in Zambia under rain-fed conditions.
Beneficial bioactives
Don’t discount the contribution cereals can make to combatting micronutrient malnutrition, say researchers.
Breaking Ground: Fatima Camarillo invests in education
Educator and researcher trains partners from around the world in CIMMYT’s unique wheat improvement course.
Mapping the way to lower nitrous oxide emissions
A new study identifies global emissions and mitigation hotspots ripe for more efficient nitrogen use in maize and wheat production.
A view from above
CIMMYT scientists use high-powered drones and space satellite imagery to accelerate crop improvement, fight pests and diseases and help farmers make better crop management decisions.
A challenge solved
Massive study of breeding lines across environments pinpoints genomic regions associated with yield potential and stress-resilience in bread wheat.