Groundnut ESA crop improvement network sets regional and country level priorities
Significant discoveries have been made for the potential improvement of production of groundnut in sub-Saharan Africa.
CIMMYT and Join Hope sign partnership agreement
A new collaboration will support the expansion of agricultural research in China.
Catch up on presentations from CIMMYT scientists and researchers at COP27, held between November 6-18.
Partnership approach to maize development praised in new study
Maize varieties with connections to CGIAR germplasm account for 34% of the total maize area in 2015 in 18 sub-Saharan African countries, discover researchers.
Study explores how to reduce GHG emissions while supporting food security through nitrogen management
Responses of yields and N₂O emissions to N inputs could be used to design appropriate N management strategies for addressing the dual challenge of food insecurity and climate crisis.
Decolonization should extend to collaborations, authorship and co-creation of knowledge
Source: Nature (22 Nov 2022)
Sieglinde Snapp identifies opportunities for improving inclusivity in the biosciences.
Young CIMMYT scientist receives 2022 Japan Award for global research to combat wheat aphids
Elite wheat lines from the work are being freely shared with partners worldwide.
Feature: Reciprocal cooperation between China, int’l agricultural research agency safeguards food security
Source: Xinhua News (23 Nov 2022)
Four decades of partnership between China and CIMMYT is supporting global efforts to achieve food security.
Shared priorities and plans for partnership
Director General’s visit to Ethiopia consolidates existing partnerships and finds new opportunities for collaboration.
Analyzing 25 years of maize supply and demand in the Global South
After first being cultivated more than 9,000 years ago, research shows that maize not only plays an essential role in global agrifood systems today but has a strongly increasing demand.
Sustainability, quality concerns take center stage at Cereals & Grains 22
Source: Baking Business (16 Nov 2022)
At Cereals & Grains 22, Bram Govaerts, Director General of CIMMYT, explains the activity needed to adapt agriculture to the impact of climate change.
Govaerts delivers keynote speech to Cereals and Grains 22
Exploring research-based solutions for the effects of climate change and food system shocks on smallholder farmers and global agrifood systems.
Agriculture for Peace platform launches at Borlaug Dialogue
Seven founding partners introduced Ag4Peace, a new initiative that aims to build resilient food systems and improve livelihoods and diets in low- and middle-income countries.
Research shows impact of root and crown rot in wheat
A unique study by CIMMYT scientists in Türkiye in collaboration with scientists from the Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Türkiye demonstrate the prevalence of fungi species in wheat production areas in Kazakhstan, which could be affecting wheat yield and quality.
Opening the door to commercial fodder production
CIMMYT is partnering with GIZ in Zambia to clear hurdles for smallholder farmers to produce fodder at a commercial level.