Research awards to tackle challenge of fortifying wheat against heat and drought
HeDWIC and FFAR awarded grants to five wheat research projects in 2022 to protect the crop from climate change and other threats.
Government of Zambia and CIMMYT strengthen ties in agricultural development
Zambia Minister of Agriculture host CIMMYT Director General for deliberations on the country’s strategic road map.
CIMMYT endorses and implements expert recommendations to drive the transformation towards Zero Hunger by 2050
A new paper published today by experts at The Chicago Council of Global Affairs identifies the three main obstacles to global food systems transformation and hunger eradication by 2050.
Rapid modern wheat variety adoption key to supply chain security in Malawi
CIMMYT experts collaborate with private sector to propel improved variety adoption in Malawi.
Ethiopian machines for Ethiopian farmers
Locally produced seed cleaners are making a big difference in Ethiopia and inspiring innovation in Benin.
2023 Women In Triticum (WIT) Award Winners Announced
The Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) is pleased to announce the 2023 Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career and Mentor awardees, recognizing excellence in science and leadership for a wheat-secure future.
The Australian High Commission, ACIAR and BARC delegates recognizes the BWMRI-CIMMYT collaborative wheat blast research platform in Bangladesh
Delegates travelled to South Asia to witness the success of a collaboration which is combatting wheat blast disease in Bangladesh and for other wheat growing nations.
A seed systems success story
Drought-tolerant maize seed thrives in Zambia through partnerships with the private sector.
Strengthening partnerships with government and private sector in Malawi
CIMMYT-led event bringing private sector and government together is a success story of the power of collaboration.
Counties Urged To Scale Up And Adopt Pest Control Technologies
Source: Kenya News Agency (17 Mar 2023)
How can plant health technologies be more widely adopted by smallholders in Kenya?
Scaling impact of dryland crops research through regional crop improvement networks
Scientists and stakeholders in Africa are co-designing a network approach to improve and expand dryland crops value chains in the continent.
China, Pakistan launched joint wheat breeding lab
Source: Gwadar Pro (7 Mar 2023)
A joint lab for molecular breeding wheat research launches, with investment from China, Pakistan and CIMMYT.
One year of Women in Crop Science at CIMMYT
For its first birthday, a co-founder of the Women in Crop Science at CIMMYT, talks about their journey over the past year.
Plant Health Innovation Platform at Kiboko, Kenya: integrating and testing eco-friendly solutions against fall armyworm
Participatory testing of fall armyworm (FAW) solutions is helping to find eco-friendly and cost-effective integrated pest management (IPM) packages in Kenya.
KALRO research station at Kiboko revamped to accelerate crop breeding
Upgraded technology at the KALRO research station will optimize breeding and seed systems’ work so that scientists can provide better varieties to farmers.