

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

tag icon Innovations

Wheat bred by the CGIAR consortium of agricultural researchers has a huge global reach.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

PLC6 is a term used to refer to an advanced stage of hybrid testing at Syngenta, a partner of the Affordable, Accessible, Asian (AAA) Drought Tolerant Maize Project. Four hybrids, representing combinations of Syngenta and CIMMYT germplasm are currently at PLC6 in big plots at multiple locations. The trajectory of this process points to pilot marketing of a limited quantity of hybrid seed in 2016 and a full market launch in 2017.


tag icon Capacity development

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Food shortages will escalate due to climate-change related production shocks and the international community must prepare to respond to price increases and social unrest.


tag icon Capacity development

A modern quarantine facility will be established this year to safely import maize breeding materials and proactively breed for MLN resistance and tolerance.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

A modern quarantine facility will be set up in Zimbabwe to safely import materials and proactively breed for resistance against MLN.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security