Breaking Ground: Scientist Deepmala Sehgal on the trail of novel wheat diversity
Molecular analysis research by Deepmala Sehgal has led to the discovery of novel genes for yield, disease resistance and climate resilience in previously little-used wheat genetic resources.
Surface water irrigation has the potential to boost cereal productivity in Bangladesh
For the first time, researchers have mapped rivers and freshwater canals in southern Bangladesh using geospatial tools.
Breaking Ground: Jiafa Chen on improving maize and building partnerships
Jiafa Chen has helped identify new genetic resources that have been used in breeding new maize varieties that withstand environmental and biological stresses.
New Publications: Africa’s future cereal production
Cereal yields in sub-Saharan Africa must increase to 80 percent of their potential by 2050 to meet the enormous increase in demand for food.
Participatory scaling of climate-smart agriculture
A recap of climate smart agriculture in Bihar, India through 2016.
Harnessing medical technology and global partnerships to drive gains in food crop productivity
Global research networks must overcome nationalist and protectionist tendencies to provide technology advances the world urgently needs.
Engaging youth: beyond the buzzword
Researchers are seeking to re-engage rural youth who are increasingly abandoning agriculture to work in cities, raising the question who will grow our food in the future?
Improved maize offers new economic opportunity to Kenyan family
Improved maize varieties offer new economic opportunity to families in Kenya.
Can sub-Saharan Africa meet its future cereal food requirement?
To satisfy the enormous increase in demand for food in sub-Saharan Africa by 2050, cereal yields must increase to 80 percent of their potential.
New Publications: Rise of micro-satellites offers cost-effective way to collect data on smallholder farms
Micro-satellites are emerging as an effective low-cost option to collecting data like sow date and yields on small farms across the developing world.
Maize seed and training aim to reduce aid dependency in Haiti
The Haiti Mayi project aims to kick-start a local seed sector, keep famine at bay, end dependence on international aid and reduce imports.
Wheat rust poses food security risk for global poor, says DFID’s Priti Patel
Wheat rust monitoring efforts are not only keeping the fast-spreading disease in check, but are deployed to manage other crop diseases, said a scientist at a scientific meeting in London.
CGIAR congratulates the Convention on Biological Diversity at COP13
CGIAR committed to contribute to the actions mentioned in the Cancun Declaration on Mainstreaming the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity for Well-Being together with all its partners.
Cutting-edge tools promote conservation, use of biodiversity
CIMMYT scientists will present at the COP 13 conference on a new collection of tools and resources that could revolutionize maize breeding and promote genetic diversity conservation.
Scientists meet in Mexico to revolutionize ways of “watching” experimental plants
200 world-class scientists from over 20 countries will gather in Mexico from December 13 to 15 for the 4th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium.