Scaling sustainable agriculture in South Asia
A two-day regional policy dialogue on scaling conservation agriculture for sustainable intensification in South Asia was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh from September 8-9, 2017.
Three technologies that are changing agriculture in Bangladesh
In agrarian countries like Bangladesh, agriculture can serve as a powerful driving force to raise family incomes and the nation’s entire economy.
Project to boost Nepal’s seed sector meets to discuss a way forward
Eleven seed companies shared progress and lessons learned in enhancing Nepal’s seed sector during a recent meeting held in Kathmandu, Nepal.
New screening cycle for deadly MLN virus set to begin in Kenya
The maize lethal necrosis screening site in Kenya will begin its second screening cycle of 2017 at the end of October.
Afghanistan scientists assess achievements of Australia-funded wheat research
Afghanistan scientists meet to reflect on achievements after 15 years of Australia-funded wheat research.
Asian scientists join cross-continental training to restrain wheat blast disease
Nine South Asia wheat researchers recently visited the Americas for training on measures to control a deadly and mysterious wheat blast disease.
Drought tolerant maize provides extra 9 months of food for farming families
A new study shows that drought tolerant maize varieties can provide farming families in Zimbabwe an extra 9 months of food at no additional cost.
Delegates gather in Morocco to combat nematodes in agriculture
Eighty delegates from across the globe recently gathered at the 6th International Cereal Nematode Symposium in Agadir, Morocco to discuss the spread of nematodes.
New Publications: Mitigating greenhouse gas emission from rising food production
A new study identifies the key ways to keep up with India’s rising food demand while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.
Yemen identified as “stepping stone” to wheat stem rust’s global spread
New research reveals the most likely routes for the spread of new wheat stem rust strains.
Experts call for data revolution to achieve Sustainable Development Goals
Modern data systems are essential to monitor, manage and plan actions taken by governments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Researchers set new climate services strategy in Bangladesh
Scientists from across South and Southeast Asia launched a new agenda earlier this week to boost community involvement in developing climate information and extension messaging services across the region.
Message from International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center after 7.1 Mexico earthquake
Although the full impact of the earthquake is unknown at this time, CIMMYT would like to express condolences to all those affected throughout the country.
Leading nutritionist cites whole grains as critical for better nutrition and health
People who eat whole grain foods have a lower risk of almost all chronic diseases and are less likely to gain weight as they age, according to nutritionist Julie Miller Jones.