In the media

In the media

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Source: Xinhua News (1 Sep 2019)

CIMMYT scientist says wheat varieties to be released in Kenya have high yields and are resistant to stem rust U99.

In the media

tag icon Capacity development

Source: Dhaka Tribune (17 Aug 2019)

USAID-funded CIMMYT and iDE project helped young mechanic develop the market for his locally-manufactured machines.

In the media

tag icon Innovations

Source: World Grain (13 Aug 2019)

MARPLE diagnostic platform significantly reduces the time to identify strains, which previously took months.

In the media

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Source: Sci Dev Net (12 Aug 2019)

CIMMYT study shows uninterrupted energy and power supplies are critical farming inputs to reduce poverty and food insecurity,

In the media

Source: FoodNavigator-LATAM (5 Aug 2019)

CIMMYT played a key role in facilitating the formation of this association promoting maize biodiversity.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: Sci Dev Net (31 Jul 2019)

CIMMYT scientists stress the importance of increasing wheat yield and tolerance to drought for a food secure Africa.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation (29 Jul 2019)

CIMMYT is working with partners to breed wheat that better copes with heat, to help farmers around the world.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: Dhaka Tribune (24 Jul 2019)

With CIMMYT support, Bangladesh developed blast resistant wheat in the quickest possible time.

In the media

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Source: Online Khabar (24 Jul 2019)

Soil scientist David Guerena, who works for the Nepal Seed and Fertiliser Project run by CIMMYT, advocates for zinc-enriched fertilizers in Nepal.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: The Telegraph (15 Jul 2019)

CIMMYT study reveals water conservation policies by the regional governments of Haryana and Punjab aggravate air pollution.

In the media

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Source: Kenya News Agency (27 Jun 2019)

CIMMYT’s Stephen Mugo suggests early planting, intercropping and other methods.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: Physics World (25 Jun 2019)

A CGIAR and CIMMYT study suggests that some countries and crops are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than others.

In the media

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Source: Biotech News (23 Jun 2019)

CIMMYT, HarvestPlus and IITA have worked to develop provitamin A-enriched maize varieties and zinc-enriched maize and wheat.

In the media

tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Source: Seed Quest (20 Jun 2019)

CIMMYT researchers conducted interviews with women owners of seed companies in eastern and southern Africa.

In the media

tag icon Innovations

Source: Fast Company (7 Jun 2019)

Designer Fernando Laposse collaborated with CIMMYT to find seeds and resuscitate six species of native Mexican corn.