Ethiopian policymakers consider wider use of DNA fingerprinting
InnovationsThis tool allows to identify varieties used by farmers and to track the adoption and impact of improved crops.
Seed production innovations, conservation agriculture and partnerships are key for Africa’s food security
Nutrition, health and food securityPartner field days in Kenya presented sustainable solutions to crop threats and innovations in seed and agronomy.
Ethiopian maize breeders will directly apply knowledge gained from training
Capacity developmentSTMA project training focused on latest developments in maize research and data collection.
Embracing change: How family farmers can face the future
Nutrition, health and food securityCABI’s CEO Trevor Nicholls and CIMMYT’s Director General Martin Kropff analyze the challenges and opportunities for family farmers in the next decade.
Digitalizing African agriculture: paving the way to Africa’s progress through transforming the agriculture sector
InnovationsAGRF 2019 discussed digital transformation as key driver of sustainable food systems in Africa.
New publications: Exploring how women seize control of wheat–maize technologies in Bangladesh
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionAn agricultural organization led by indigenous Santal women is also benefiting low-income Muslim women.
Study proposes alternative to conventional technology adoption research in smallholder agriculture
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionAn alternative conceptual framework uses a process-oriented approach to understand technological change that focuses more on the agency of different social actors in the agricultural system.
Bottlenecks between basic and applied plant science jeopardize life-saving crop improvements
InnovationsBottlenecks between basic and applied plant science jeopardize life-saving crop improvements.
Indonesia-CIMMYT increase cooperation on maize research
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: Gatra (3 Sep 2019)
CIMMYT and the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development sign MoU.
Genome editing, gene drives, and synthetic biology: Will they contribute to disease-resistant crops, and who will benefit?
InnovationsNew paper outlines potential uses of genetic engineering technologies to address problems that affect resource-poor farmers and consumers.
CIMMYT and Indonesia’s agricultural research agency renew collaboration
Capacity developmentThe Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) signed a memorandum of understanding with CIMMYT to reaffirm their research partnership for maize and wheat improvement.
Extensive use of wild grass-derived “synthetic hexaploid wheat” adds diversity and resilience to modern bread wheat
InnovationsNew study shows that improved bread wheat varieties obtained from crosses of durum wheat and goat grass are helping to ensure the crop’s future.
Scientists set to release stem rust resistant wheat varieties in Kenya
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: Xinhua News (1 Sep 2019)
CIMMYT scientist says wheat varieties to be released in Kenya have high yields and are resistant to stem rust U99.
CIMMYT research at the forefront of the digital revolution in African agriculture
InnovationsNew leaflet highlights digital innovations for Africa as researchers share insights at the African Green Revolution Forum 2019.
Remembering Max Alcalá, who led CIMMYT’s wheat international nurseries
Nutrition, health and food securityHe was instrumental in preparing and distributing nursery results, which are still used by breeders.