The beginning of a beautiful partnership
Experts discuss solutions to postharvest losses and how agricultural mechanization can benefit rural women in the Global South.
Critical reflections on COVID-19
FAO-led assessment details the pandemic’s impact on agri-food systems in Bangladesh and outlines possible recovery strategies.
Power of data: To enhance food security
Source: The Himalayan Times (6 Nov 2020)
CIMMYT and Nepal’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development developed a digitally enabled seed information system so farmers have timely access to quality seed.
Farmers flock towards nutritious, orange maize
A growing number of smallholders in southern Zimbabwe adopt provitamin-A maize after collective learning and knowledge transfer initiative.
A catastrophe avoided
Unprecedented adoption of agricultural technologies wards off negative impacts of COVID-19 in northwestern India.
What can the last 30 years of research tell us?
An expansive new review seeks out the key drivers of climate-resilient crop adoption to mobilize decades of scientific and development research towards the eradication of hunger by 2030.
Digital revolution can transform agri-food systems
As the world becomes increasingly digital, the international agricultural research-for-development sector needs to keep up.
Wheat disease common to South America jumps to Africa
Source: SciDev.Net (3 Nov 2020)
Wheat blast is a serious threat to wheat production and can lead to yield losses of up to 100 percent.
Reaping carbon credits from agriculture
Source: Financial Express (30 Oct 2020)
Setting benchmarks for carbon sequestered or abated through farming and roping in companies to commercialize carbon credits can help agricultural income grow.
Crop Modeling community of practice
Improving global coordination of crop modeling efforts.
CIMMYT-supported researcher earns doctorate for work on gender, maize value chains and food security
Research was supported through the Stress Tolerant Maize for Africa (STMA) project.
New publications: COVID-19 induced economic loss and ensuring food security for vulnerable groups
Study quantifies the economic losses from Bangladesh’s COVID-19 lockdowns and outlines policy implications for the country.
Breaking Ground: Andrea Gardeazábal transforms data into meaningful information
Monitor, Evaluation and Learning Manager uses technological tools to streamline data gathering and analysis for improved project design.
Reflections on resilience
Mother-trial farmers in Zimbabwe’s Mwenezi district share their experiences, lessons and successes in adopting climate-resilient practices.
International Wheat Yield Partnership launches European Winter Wheat Hub
New hub will ensure that cutting-edge discoveries are rapidly available to the global wheat breeding community.