Growing ‘more with less’: Zimbabwe’s vision for food security
Source: The Herald (6 Nov 2023)
CIMMYT continues to serve Zimbabwe through the development and scaling of climate-resilient and nutritious maize varieties.
Integrating gender into crop breeding
Innovative approaches to incorporating gender considerations into Seed Production Technology for Africa.
Bringing Space to Place: Transforming African Agriculture with Better SOILS
Source: IFDC (5 Nov 2023)
A statement by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu- Borlaug World Food Prize
Source: FAO (6 Nov 2023)
FAO director general, QU Dongyu, honors memories with Dr. Borlaug at CIMMYT in 2006.
EU-funded project refurbishes Gwanda veterinary lab, boosting livestock disease control
Source: CITE (3 Nov 2023)
CIMMYT collaborates to enhance disease control for livestock, assisting smallholder farmers.
Say yes, and figure out what gives you energy
Diane Holdorf shares what keeps her grounded and helps her bring her best self to work.
India transforms wheat for the world
Source: Ukr Agroconsult (1 Nov 2023)
The need to consider biological actors as an influence when studying market agencies
CIMMYT researcher receives Heroes Award
Honor recognizes improvement in the nutritional content of wheat.
New partnership announced to protect Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique by improving agricultural livelihoods and crop systems
GRP and CIMMYT signed up cooperation framework at Borlaug Dialogue organized by the World Food Prize Foundation.
Researchers propose a unified, scalable framework to measure agricultural greenhouse gas emissions
Source: Life Technology (30 Oct 2023)
AGREE, created by UC Davis and CIMMYT, helps analyze emissions from diverse agricultural activities.
Investment in Wheat Pathogen Surveillance
Source: Medium (30 Oct 2023)
Sainsbury Lab, John Innes Centre and 21 institutes, led by CIMMYT, join forces to monitor plant pathogens and improve wheat productivity in East Africa and South Asia.
In Ethiopia, regional and local representatives endorse national framework on climate services
Ethiopian Meteorological Institute in partnership with CIMMYT organized a workshop to scale climate-smart agriculture and climate information services for the benefit of millions of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia.
Sorghum seed sales profit and empower rural women in Tanzania
In a remote rural area of Tanzania, a group of women farmers has defied the odds and found prosperity through the cultivation of certified sorghum seeds.
Pakistan, China join hands to augment wheat production, enhance food security
Source: Xinhua Net (25 Oct 2023)
For future wheat variety development, CIMMYT is interested in collaborating with the Pakistan-China laboratory.