Harnessing Mexico’s Sun: CIMMYT Installs 920 Solar Panels in Green Initiative
CIMMYT is actively taking advantage of solar energy’s potential in Mexico.
CIMMYT remembers vital legacy of gender specialist Paula Kantor
CIMMYT is sad to announce the tragic death of our friend and respected colleague, gender and development specialist Paula Kantor.
“In Mozambique, you cannot talk about food security without talking about maize”
AIP-CIMMYT Conducts the Largest Evaluation of Maize Germplasm in Pakistan’s History
Pakistan’s Agricultural Innovation Program (AIP) tested more than 700 diverse maize lines in an effort to develop more affordable, well-adapted maize varieties.
MLN diagnostics and management in Africa through multi-institutional synergies
World Food Prize laureate Rajaram honored at World Food Forum
Sanjaya Rajaram, recipient of the 2014 World Food Prize, told more than 200 participants at the World Food Forum in Santiago, Chile, on 14 April, that he held hopes for a “second Green Revolution.”
Maize workshop sets stage for doubling production in India by 2025
The 58th All India Coordinated Annual Maize Workshop was held at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) in Ludhiana, India during 4-6 April. The workshop brought together nearly 200 scientists in India working on maize research and development, as well as representatives from seed companies. The All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Maize was the first crop research project established in India in 1957 and served as a model for all following crop projects in the country.
New report highlights need for groundwater management solutions in Bangladesh
The recent report “Groundwater Management in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Problems and Opportunities,” published by the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia – Mechanization and Irrigation (CSISA-MI) project, reveals that water resource policy in Bangladesh has focused largely on development and not enough on management, draining aquifers in intensively irrigated areas and sustaining expensive subsidies for dry-season irrigation pumping.
Climate-smart agriculture achievements inspire support for BISA-CIMMYT in Bihar, India
During the 2014-2015 winter season, national and international stakeholders visit climate-smart villages throughout the region to view the progress of technology adoption.
Two-wheeled tractors key to smallholder mechanization in Africa
The Farm Mechanization and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification (FACASI) project held its second review and planning meeting, as well as mid-term review, during a five-day event in Hawassa, Ethiopia. This was followed by country site visits by the review team.
Ethiopian seed companies express interest in QPM, seek CIMMYT support
Managers of private and public seed companies in Ethiopia have expressed interest to produce and broadly market quality protein maize (QPM) seed, provided that they get technical and other necessary support from the Nutritious Maize for Ethiopia (NuME) project.