

CIMMYT Director General, Bram Govaerts, emphasizes the global food security challenges and applauds China’s efforts to address them.


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT Ethiopia aiming to reinvigorate durum wheat production in the country to address market challenges faced by farmers.


tag icon Innovations

China-CIMMYT alumni event in Beijing recognizes the impact of partnership.


tag icon Innovations

Energized linkages with grain buyers through the Nepal Seed and Fertilizer Project have farmers planning to expand maize cropping.


tag icon Capacity development

Teams from Queensland DAF, Agriculture Victoria and others joined B.M. Prasanna, CIMMYT’s Maize Program Director, to discuss fall armyworm management and explore future collaboration on plant health.


tag icon Capacity development

Training workshop for Zimbabwean mechanics guarantees efficient machinery service under USAID-funded Mechanization Activity.

In the media

Source: The Herald (6 Nov 2023)

CIMMYT continues to serve Zimbabwe through the development and scaling of climate-resilient and nutritious maize varieties.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Innovative approaches to incorporating gender considerations into Seed Production Technology for Africa.

In the media

tag icon Capacity development

Source: IFDC (5 Nov 2023)

In the media

Source: FAO (6 Nov 2023)

FAO director general, QU Dongyu, honors memories with Dr. Borlaug at CIMMYT in 2006.

In the media

tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Source: CITE (3 Nov 2023)

CIMMYT collaborates to enhance disease control for livestock, assisting smallholder farmers.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Diane Holdorf shares what keeps her grounded and helps her bring her best self to work.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: Ukr Agroconsult (1 Nov 2023)