From the eye in the sky to the cell phone in the field: technologies for all
For many farmers in the developing world, cell phones are the most accessible form of technology, but are only one of many technologies changing agriculture.
Zimbabwe and CIMMYT to establish maize lethal necrosis quarantine facility
Government of Zimbabwe and CIMMYT to establish maize lethal necrosis quarantine facility at Mazowe
A modern quarantine facility will be set up in Zimbabwe to safely import materials and proactively breed for resistance against MLN.
Climate change, maize production and food security in sub-Saharan Africa
Although climate change is a global phenomenon, its impacts vary depending on region and season. To formulate appropriate adaptation options and ensure timely responses, we first need to better understand the potential impacts of climate change on maize yield and production, on different spatial and temporal scales.
CIMMYT-SARO steps up efforts in war against malnutrition
CIMMYT is stepping up efforts to combat malnutrition through agricultural research and the release of orange maize varieties.
Tech-savvy women in Haryana implement precision fertilizer application
The state of Haryana, India’s breadbasket, faces a major challenge due to the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer (N: P: K = 27.2: 9.8: 1) in agriculture. The overuse of nitrogen fertilizer in the rice-wheat systems of Haryana has led to high production costs, low efficiency, environmental pollution and nitrate contamination of groundwater, which causes blue baby syndrome in young children.
Modern conservation agriculture systems presented in CIMMYT-China Science Week
CIMMYT sponsored a workshop in China with international experts presenting the latest innovations in farming systems research.
Fostering public-private partnerships for decentralized wheat seed production in Pakistan
To strengthen functional linkages between private seed companies and public sector institutions in Pakistan, CIMMYT and its national partners jointly organized four training sessions, one each in Punjab and Sindh and two in Khyber Pakhtunkhaw during March and April, 2015. Participants included 45 staff members from 10 private seed companies from those provinces.
Livestock key to breaking Zambia’s poverty trap
Malende has been a focus of CIMMYT’s major research programs since 2005, where cropping systems based on the practices of conservation agriculture have been introduced.
Seed improvement to prevent rust disease key to boosting wheat productivity
A new project in Ethiopia aims to improve the livelihoods of wheat farmers by encouraging the development and multiplication of high-yielding, rust-resistant bread and durum wheat varieties.