Book celebrates maize “secret scientists” on International Day of Rural Women
Rural women play a critical role in enhancing agricultural and rural development, improving food security and eradicating rural poverty.
India visit: Dr. Martin Kropff, Director General, CIMMYT
Summary of CIMMYT Director General Martin Kropff visit to different research sites in several states of India, 28 September – 2 October, 2016.
“Double-hatted” maize variety is good news for farmers in western Kenya
Towards total quality: workshop on maize seed quality analysis-based on ISTA protocols
During the training courses for MasAgro Network seed producers given in 2014, surveys were conducted to determine their training needs in 2015. CIMMYT seed systems experts who visited seed production facilities and fields also identified gaps in the capacities of small, medium and large seed producers in Mexico.
WEMA hybrid launch to benefit maize farmers in Africa
Through the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project, 13 maize hybrids were approved for commercial production by relevant authorities in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and South Africa between October 2014 and March 2015.
CIMMYT helps the Seed Entrepreneurs’ Association of Nepal devise its organizational strategy
In response to the interest expressed by the Seed Entrepreneurs’ Association of Nepal (SEAN), CIMMYT-Nepal organized a meeting with SEAN and the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) on 29 July 2015 at NARC’s Agriculture Botany Division, Khumaltar, as an activity of the CIMMYT-led Cereal System Initiative for South Asia-Nepal (CSISA-NP).
RISING Voices interviews Frédéric Baudron
Africa RISING interviews Frédéric Baudron, systems agronomist at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in Ethiopia.
Green manure crop cover reduces need for mineral fertilizer in Africa
Green manures are an affordable and environmentally friendly alternative to fertilizer for many farmers in southern Africa.
Pakistani stakeholders evaluate the performance of CIMMYT maize germplasm across Punjab
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), organized a traveling seminar to give stakeholders the chance to evaluate the performance of CIMMYT maize germplasm in Punjab Province, Pakistan.
Message from Borlaug-Ruan international intern Sweta Sudhir, Turkey, summer 2015
Borlaug-Ruan international intern Sweta Sudhir tells us about her summer at CIMMYT-Turkey.