CIMMYT scientist to assume leadership role at the American Society of Agronomy
CIMMYT Principal Scientist Ortiz-Monasterio appointed as 2017 Global Agronomy Section Vice Chair of the American Society of Agronomy.
Everything you ever wanted to know about gluten — at CIMMYT
International wheat and gluten experts will gather in Mexico City for the 2018 13th International Gluten Workshop to discuss all aspects of the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley and triticale.
Maize: From Mexico to the world
For Mexicans, the “children of corn,” maize is entwined in life, history and tradition. It is not just a crop; it is central to their identity.
Harnessing maize biodiversity for food security, improved livelihoods in Africa
Diverse, stress tolerant maize varieties are benefiting smallholders throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
Afghan and Indian researchers collaborate to combat wheat rust disease
Afghan and Indian researchers are collaborating to combat the wheat rust disease Karnal bunt.
New Publications: Maize Lethal Necrosis survey reveals farmer impact, future needs
A new study reveals the need for continued development of maize varieities resistant to MLN and strengthening farmer resilience.
Farmer livelihoods at risk as wheat blast disease emerges in Bangladesh
International scientists are on high alert as they develop tactics to fight wheat blast in Bangladesh, which is affecting a large portion of the country’s wheat growing area.
Bayer collaboration promises new innovations for South Asia farms
CIMMYT and Bayer’s Crop Science team are looking for practical solutions to future climate-change related challenges in South Asian agriculture.
Helping Nepalese farmers adapt to climate change
Cornell University’s Linda McCandless describes some of the agricultural challenges Nepalese farmers face after the devastating 2015 earthquake
A woman for wheat: Maricelis Acevedo takes on new role
Maricelis Acevedo, newly appointed associate director for science for the Delivering Genetic Gain in Wheat project left her island home of Puerto Rico in 2003 to pursue a career as a pathologist and has been traveling the world ever since.
Kenyan maize nutrition and safety get boost from ancient Mexican technique
Modern nixtamalization technology could increase maize uses and offer Kenyans invaluable benefits.
How improved maize gives options to farmers
Improved seeds resilient to drought, disease and other stresses allow farming families to invest more in their livelihoods and children’s futures.
Assessing the potential of ICT in Pakistan’s agricultural extension
CIMMYT’s Agricultural Innovation Program proposed a plan for applying ICT in agricultural extension in Pakistan
Tanzania seed company increases demand for drought-tolerant maize
Locally adapted marketing initiatives are successfully converting farmers to the high-performing, drought-tolerant maize variety Lubango in Tanzania.
Improving diet through nutritious maize in Colombia
A field day was organized at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture to show the advances of biofortified maize in Colombia.