

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Drought-related challenges in Africa call for proactive interventions rather than reactive ones.


tag icon Capacity development

A workshop on farming systems analysis was held at Wageningen University (WUR), The Netherlands, on 5-7 July 2016.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

As Ethiopia struggles with its worst drought in 50 years, farmers pin their hopes on seed delivered through emergency seed projects.


tag icon Capacity development

To develop and scale innovative CSA business models at climate-smart village (CSV) sites in South Asia, a workshop was held at WUR on 4 July 2016.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

HarvestPlus director Howarth Bouis is one of four winners of the 2016 World Food Prize for research leading to a substantial increase in the availability of nutritious biofortified crops.


tag icon Capacity development

A new project aims to over double wheat production in target areas of Zambia and Rwanda to help smallholders meet rising demand and cope with high import costs.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Increasing public understanding and creating supportive policies key recommendations at a session on boosting Africa’s use of biotechnology.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

New publications from CIMMYT staff cover challenges in land availability in Zambia among other updates in maize and wheat.


tag icon Capacity development

A new planter that promotes dry seeding of rice, saves water and increases planting efficiency is being used increasingly in Pakistan’s Punjab Province.


tag icon Capacity development

Since 2004, conservation agriculture has helped farmers in southern Africa maintain and boost yields, protect the environment and increase profits.


tag icon Capacity development

A training held from June 13 – 23, 2016 emphasized hand pollination in maize variety development and seed multiplication.


tag icon Capacity development

For the first time, Bhutan and Bangladesh are collaborating on evaluating Bangladeshi wheat lines for resistance to yellow and leaf rusts.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Breeding and seed systems must immediately adapt to changing climates if major loss of maize yields is to be avoided, a new report shows.


CIMMYT has launched the beta version of a geo-informatics technology that will help scientists forecast crop yields and identify other benefits to farmers.


tag icon Capacity development

A training course on maize breeding program management and statistical data analysis was held from 23-27 May 2016 in Islamabad, Pakistan.