

tag icon Innovations

A new commentary published today in Nature Plants highlights the importance of an ancient grass species for wheat breeding.


tag icon Innovations

CIMMYT scientists produce a lot more than just improved maize and wheat varieties.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

New book highlights our relationship with nature and humanity’s future and tackles the age-old question: Can we control nature or are we, like all other species, bound by its laws?


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

In response to Ethiopia’s worst drought in 50 years and a critical shortage of seed in 2016, CIMMYT and partners delivered over 3,400 tons of high quality seed to farmers.


tag icon Capacity development

On December 10 2017,CIMMYT joined SAARC in celebrating the 33rd SAARC Charter Day.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Community conversations, a human-centered approach, puts people in charge of their own development in maize-based communities in Ethiopia.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Leaders from across South Asia recently called for increased investment in conservation agriculture to protect future food systems across the region.


tag icon Capacity development

Since 2015, CSISA has been working to generate evidence on best management practices for improving cropping system productivity in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains.


tag icon Capacity development

The Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) is helping farmers in Bangladesh save money and time with the implementation of simple calibration keys.


tag icon Capacity development

The Nepal Seed and Fertilizer project is working with seed companies to build their capacity for both seed production and distribution.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

In a new blog published by Farming First, B.M. Prasanna discusses overcoming a pest that has been ravaging fields in Africa.


tag icon Capacity development

More than 75,000 small-scale wheat farmers in Ethiopia’s 4 major wheat-growing regions gain access to a vital asset—over 400 tons of seed of new, disease resistant wheat varieties.