

tag icon Capacity development

Tamaya Peressini’s project aimed to evaluate adult plant resistance to tan spot in wheat.


tag icon Innovations

Resource-poor farmers worldwide stand to gain from developments in the field of crop modelling.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

EAT-Lancet Commission offers a roadmap for a global food system that provides a healthy, sustainable diet for the world’s 10 billion people by 2050.


tag icon Innovations

Faster and better-quality certification, a game-changer for African farmers?


tag icon Innovations

Traits sought include better resilience under high temperatures, drought conditions or the attacks of rapidly-evolving crop diseases.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

A new study explores how conservation agriculture in southern Africa supports spider populations and diversity, which could help mitigate pest damage.


tag icon Innovations

Trials of the Nutrient Expert app showed improved yields, fertilizer-use efficiency and increased profits for farmers.


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT launched the consortiumin May 2018, to better engage with a committed set of partners and to achieve enhanced maize yields in Africa.


tag icon Capacity development

The AWARD program advocates for a more gender-responsive agricultural research ecosystem.


tag icon Innovations

Researchers use the Photovoice methodology to better understand weed management practices.


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Dubbed the “Uber for the farm”, Hello Tractor’s app easily allows tractor owners to rent their machinery to farmers and to improve business and operations.


tag icon Capacity development

Fazleen Abdul Fatah notes that few studies document shifts between cereals.


tag icon Innovations

A dialogue in New Delhi facilitated discussion on innovations for promoting balanced application of macro and micro nutrient fertilizers in Indian agriculture.


tag icon Capacity development

In 2018, we published more than 200 stories related to maize and wheat science around the world. Here are some of our favorites.


tag icon Innovations

Young farmer’s investment in a reaper saves him time, money and dignity, while helping others in the community.