Building capacities for advanced modern breeding programs in Africa
CIMMYT trains scientists in product profile-based maize breeding for increased genetics gains.
Scaling impact of dryland crops research through regional crop improvement networks
Scientists and stakeholders in Africa are co-designing a network approach to improve and expand dryland crops value chains in the continent.
Plant Health Innovation Platform at Kiboko, Kenya: integrating and testing eco-friendly solutions against fall armyworm
Participatory testing of fall armyworm (FAW) solutions is helping to find eco-friendly and cost-effective integrated pest management (IPM) packages in Kenya.
KALRO research station at Kiboko revamped to accelerate crop breeding
Upgraded technology at the KALRO research station will optimize breeding and seed systems’ work so that scientists can provide better varieties to farmers.
Supporting the careers of women in science
In an interview with Happy Makuru Daudi, she shares her career journey and why groundnut is a ‘woman’s crop’.
Groundnut ESA crop improvement network sets regional and country level priorities
Significant discoveries have been made for the potential improvement of production of groundnut in sub-Saharan Africa.
AGG-Maize project registers impressive progress
Achievements and next steps discussed at the review meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.
Exploring the potential for blended wheat flours in Kenya
CIMMYT supports practical solutions to the ongoing global wheat crisis by understanding consumer acceptance of foods baked from blended wheat flour.
CGIAR Plant Health Initiative formally launched on the International Day of Plant Health
The Initiative targets a broad range of pests and diseases affecting cereals, legumes, potato, sweet potato, cassava, banana and other vegetables.
Researchers in East Africa add the Enterprise Breeding System to their work tools
Scientists, research technicians and data managers learn functionalities and applications of EBS during in-person training in Nairobi.
Who does what in maize farming in Kenya?
Study deepens the understanding of women’s and men’s roles in maize plot management to guide gender-responsive maize breeding and seed system interventions.