The race against time to breed a wheat to survive the climate crisis
Source: The Guardian (12 Jun 2022)
CIMMYT scientists are using the biodiversity of forgotten wheat varieties from across the world to find those with heat- and drought-tolerant traits.
Wheat versus heat
Urgent action is required to mitigate effects of temperature extremes in South Asia, which threaten wheat production and human health.
Harnessing Appropriate-Scale Farm Mechanization in Zimbabwe (HAFIZ)
Russia-Ukraine conflict and global food security
Explore our analysis of how the Russia-Ukraine war will impact global food security.
BNI-enhanced wheat research wins 2021 Cozzarelli Prize
Study describing development of wheat with biological nitrogen inhibition ability from wild relative receives award for outstanding papers published in PNAS.
Another food crisis?
The Russia-Ukraine conflict will cause massive disruptions to global wheat supply and food security. Agricultural research investments are the basis of resilient agri-food systems and a food-secure future.
Broken bread — avert global wheat crisis caused by invasion of Ukraine
Source: Nature (22 Mar 2022)
War highlights the fragility of the global food supply — sustained investment is needed to feed the world in a changing climate, Alison Bentley explains.
Gender-transformative research for sustainable food systems
Discover groundbreaking research from CIMMYT and CGIAR to promote gender equality in agriculture and achieve a sustainable future.
Sieglinde Snapp
Agricultural research fights global food shocks
Source: Newsweek (30 Dec 2021)
The best protection is actually reducing food system risks by building food system resilience against shocks.