Nima Chodon

Nima Chodon

tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Ram Kanwar Malik named Honorary Member by the Weed Science Society of America for research on herbicide-resistant weed Phalaris minor affecting wheat crops.


tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

SIS currently implemented in three states in India helps generate robust soil health data to support soil management and agriculture interventions.


tag icon Capacity development

A day in the life of a farmer in India’s Odisha state, part of  tribal community that has long lived off the land. 


tag icon Capacity development

In India’s state of Odisha, maize farming is lifting up the socioeconomic status of women.


tag icon Capacity development

CSISA initiatives support smallholder farmers in India to become successful entrepreneurs.


tag icon Innovations

Platform in Bihar, India uses data to design interventions to help smallholder farmers.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Women in Odisha, India, successfully shoulder responsibility in leading their families through the COVID-19 crisis.