World leaders: Back climate change action in agriculture to give our food system a fighting chance
A network for future-proof foods to combat hunger, conflict and migration
CIMMYT wheat physiologist Matthew Reynolds presents a new proposal for expanding the wheat network to include other major food crops and speed farmers’ adoption of vital technologies.
Breaking Ground: Clare Stirling sees no silver bullets to control agriculture’s emissions
Scientist Clare Stirling describes how agriculture can reduce its emissions and adapt to climate change.
Improved wheat helps reduce women’s workload in rural Afghanistan
New research shows improved wheat raises the quality of life for men and women across rural communities in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan scientists assess achievements of Australia-funded wheat research
Afghanistan scientists meet to reflect on achievements after 15 years of Australia-funded wheat research.
Asian scientists join cross-continental training to restrain wheat blast disease
Nine South Asia wheat researchers recently visited the Americas for training on measures to control a deadly and mysterious wheat blast disease.
Leading nutritionist cites whole grains as critical for better nutrition and health
People who eat whole grain foods have a lower risk of almost all chronic diseases and are less likely to gain weight as they age, according to nutritionist Julie Miller Jones.
Breaking Ground: Dagne Wegary at a busy intersection on the maize value chain
As a maize seed system specialist, Dagne Wegary works at the nexus between breeding science and actual delivery of improved seed to farmers.
Farmers in Pakistan benefit from new zinc-enriched high-yielding wheat
Farmers in Pakistan are eagerly adopting a nutrient-enhanced wheat variety offering improved food security, higher incomes, health benefits and a delicious taste.
CIMMYT renames lab to honor Evangelina Villegas, World Food Prize laureate
Villegas was recognized for co-developing quality protein maize.
Closing the circle: Kanwarpal Dhugga works at CIMMYT
Growing up on a small farm in India’s northwest Punjab state, Kanwarpal Dhugga was a young boy when the first Green Revolution wheat varieties arrived in his village.
A ton of seed shipped to the doomsday vault at Svalbard
More than two-thirds of CIMMYT seed collections are now backed-up in the vault on an island in the icy Barents Sea, north of mainland Norway.
Agricultural researchers forge new ties to develop nutritious crops and environmental farming
Scientists from two of the world’s leading agricultural research institutes will embark on joint research to boost global food security.