Mary Donovan

Mary Donovan

tag icon Innovations

Monitor, Evaluation and Learning Manager uses technological tools to streamline data gathering and analysis for improved project design.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Farming method can boost yields, increase farmersā€™ profits and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Project Coordinator

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Sustainable farming method can increase resilience to climate change, protect biodiversity and sustainably use natural resources.


tag icon Capacity development

New online training takes farmers and service providers though a visual journey on the use of conservation agriculture-based sustainable intensification methods.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

Workshop participants exchange ideas on expanding opportunities for women in the seed sector.


tag icon Innovations

Scientists assess the use of blockchain to track the impact of biofortified seeds.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

CIMMYT Scaling Advisor emphasizes importance of context and systemic thinking in how we do our research and implement projects.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

The Scaling Up community of practice discusses challenges and opportunities for an improved ā€œnew normalā€ for agriculture, research and development.


tag icon Capacity development

Developing genomic profiles of DNA samples can accelerate the breeding process.