Kudzanai Chimhanda

Kudzanai Chimhanda

tag icon Capacity development

A workshop to help tackle climate challenges faced by Mutoko farmers generated significant interest among farmers and stakeholders to work towards sustainable approaches.


tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT is actively engaging a wide spectrum of stakeholders to define and harmonize target product profiles across Africa, with farmers at the heart.

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tag icon Capacity development

Adopting sustainable and ecofriendly agricultural practices, sharing valuable knowledge, and providing farmers with effective tools and techniques can help mitigate the impact of fall armyworm in Zimbabwe.

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tag icon Capacity development

Attended by over 1,300 smallholder farmers, the fourth edition of the CIMMYT seed and mechanization fairs held in Mwenezi and Masvingo districts linked farmers with private sector companies.

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tag icon Capacity development

CIMMYT leads training sessions to equip stakeholders with tools to identify and mitigate the effects of MLN.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

LIPS-Zimbabwe has been at the frontline of introducing innovations to farmers in Mutoko and Buhera by integrating intercropping trials.


tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

CIMMYT-NARES regional maize breeding networks empower farmers, especially women, to ensure food security in the face of climate change.


tag icon Capacity development

With the competing uses of maize residues as a source of feed and energy, CIMMYT has been at the forefront of developing and testing water conservation trials in Mutoko and Buhera, Zimbabwe, to meet the growing needs of farmers.