Shared priorities and plans for partnership
Capacity developmentDirector General’s visit to Ethiopia consolidates existing partnerships and finds new opportunities for collaboration.
Tracking improved crop varieties
Environmental health and biodiversityCIMMYT and EIAR launch working group in Ethiopia to implement IMAGE, a five-year project that will improve seed variety deployment in Africa.
CRAFT tool helps Ethiopian experts predict crop yields to improve early warning decisions
InnovationsCIMMYT trains Ethiopian national partners in crop monitoring and yield forecasting as part of AICCRA’s effort to improve climate information services.
In Ethiopia, local challenges inform national action for climate-smart agriculture
Climate adaptation and mitigationThere is no universal model for successfully delivering climate-smart agriculture. But the AICCRA experience in Ethiopia shows how engaging changemakers can reveal effective, inclusive, and localized ways to make farming communities more resilient to climate change.
Pilot of new wheat variety improves yield for farmers in Ethiopia
Capacity developmentFarmers in Ethiopia’s lowlands trialed usage of the Kingbird wheat variety, with promising results for improved yield and increased income.
Can digital agricultural services boost Ethiopia’s durum wheat production?
Capacity developmentValue chain stakeholders united to review the status of durum wheat production and marketing in Ethiopia and the prospective role of digital agricultural services.
Workshop introduces new wheat farmer support project in Ethiopia
Capacity developmentThe ADAPT-Wheat initiative will help small and medium-size wheat farmers in Ethiopia’s Awash Valley through pilot technologies and farming practices.