Emma Orchardson

Emma Orchardson

Post-Doctoral Fellow in Wheat Physiology

Associate Scientist - Wheat Physiology

Abiotic Stress Phenotyping Specialist

Senior Scientist - Maize Breeding

Farming Systems Agronomist

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Researchers present highlights from 40 years of collaboration on wheat genomics, breeding for disease resistance and quality improvement.


tag icon Innovations

CIMMYT wheat breeder supports smallholder farmers without access to a diversified diet by improving nutritional quality in wheat.

Senior Communications Specialist for Latin America

Postdoctoral Researcher

tag icon Gender equality, youth and social inclusion

New study provides recommendations to help female-headed households cope with market volatility.

Senior Agricultural Economist

tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Visiting scientist Roi Ben-David discusses Israel’s exotic germplasm gap and ongoing efforts to restore the country’s lost wheat landrace collections.


tag icon Innovations

Researchers analyze irrigation service providers to understand how different business models and pump types affect pricing and water conservation.