Conservation Agriculture Transforming Farming in Southern Africa
Source: Inter Press Service ()
CIMMYT advances conservation agriculture in Southern Africa, boosting yields, soil health, and livelihoods through climate-smart practices and innovation
Enhancing agricultural research with FAO’s AGRIS and AGROVOC programs: A conversation with CIMMYT’s knowledge management team
CIMMYT leverages AGRIS for global visibility and AGROVOC for seamless data access, advancing its mission to share vital agricultural knowledge.
CIMMYT and Novo Nordisk Foundation expand collaboration to drive sustainable agriculture
CIMMYT and the Novo Nordisk Foundation are partnering to advance sustainable agriculture, address food security and climate change, and empower farmers worldwide.
Climate Change Threatens Agriculture In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Farmers Struggle To Cope
Source: MenaFN ()
CIMMYT’s collaboration in developing drought-tolerant wheat and hybrid seeds is helping farmers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa adapt to the growing impacts of climate change, including erratic rainfall and rising temperatures
The other revolution that was born in Mexico: The legacy of sustainable transformation and its new roots
Mexico is driving agricultural transformation by integrating sustainable practices such as regenerative agriculture, agroecology, integrated fertility and efficient mechanization. Through the Hub model developed by CIMMYT, it promotes innovation, food security and the well-being of producers
Agro fair in Kailali rejuvenates farmers
Source: República ()
CIMMYT’s Kailali Agro Fair inspired farmers to adopt modern machinery, transforming local agriculture
Training the next generation of plant breeders with VACS
The Vision for Adapted Crops and Soil (VACS) Capacity Project aims to train scholars and professionals in Africa in the latest plant breeding technologies
Rockefeller Foundation Invests in Nature to Support Indigenous Peoples and Rainforest Communities at COP29
Source: AP News ()
The Rockefeller Foundation’s grant to CIMMYT supports regenerative agricultural research in Mexico, advancing sustainable solutions for food security, climate resilience, and biodiversity conservation
Climate Hits Barley, World Bank Boosts Gender Equality
Source: Mexico Business News ()
CIMMYT and Heineken Mexico’s “Cultivando un México Mejor” program aims to combat climate change impacts on barley production through conservation agriculture, targeting 100% sustainable barley by 2030
Recarbonization of Agricultural Soils and Decarbonization of Agri-food Systems: Towards a Sustainable Future
Agriculture is Key in the Fight Against Climate Change: CIMMYT, IICA, and FIRA call for action to recarbonize soils and decarbonize agri-food systems, advancing towards a regenerative, low-emission agriculture that contributes to food security and a sustainable future for humanity
Svalbard and Humanity’s Food Security
Cary Fowler and Geoffrey Hawtin received the World Food Prize for their work in conserving global crop diversity, crucially supported by CIMMYT and CGIAR’s genetic resource preservation efforts
This year’s World Food Prize underscores the value of seed banks and their stewards
Source: NPR in Kansas City ()
This year’s World Food Prize highlights the vital role of genebanks like CIMMYT’s in preserving crop diversity, ensuring food security, and supporting climate resilience for future agricultural systems
Prof. Jianbing Yan, Former CIMMYT maize scientist, appointed as the new President of Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Prof. Jianbing Yan, former CIMMYT maize scientist and leader in maize genetics, is now President of Huazhong Agricultural University
CIMMYT’s Matthew Reynolds receives 2024 China Friendship Award
The award recognizes Reynold’s innovative contribution to crop science and his role in promoting cooperation between CIMMYT and China
Svalbard Global Seed Vault Historic Deposit Bolsters Food Security Amid Crises
Source: Seed today ()
CIMMYT’s deposit of 5,400 maize and wheat samples to the Svalbard Seed Vault highlights its commitment to safeguarding crop diversity for global food security