Empowering local mechanics for sustainable machinery maintenance
Training workshop for Zimbabwean mechanics guarantees efficient machinery service under USAID-funded Mechanization Activity.
Crop variety guide for farmers
New manual supports informed choices for climate resilience in Zimbabwe.
When mothers learn from babies
The “learning by doing” concept helps farmers in Zimbabwe successfully adopt sustainable agriculture principles.
Farmer in Malawi defines true project success
Development initiatives are only truly successful when participants graduate, adopt and leave.
Will El Niño be a wake-up call to invest in food security solutions?
In southern Africa close to 50 million people are projected to be affected by droughts caused by the current El Niño, write CIMMYT scientists.
Conservation agriculture in Africa: where does it fit?
The controversial debate among researchers about the suitability of conservation agriculture for smallholder farmers in Africa continues while millions face food insecurity and degrading resources.