Generation, analysis and interpretation of experimental and genetic designs applied to plant breeding
General objectives of the course
Through lectures, practicals and discussion, you will learn:
- Basic experimental designs theory
- Randomized complete blocks, incomplete blocks, augmented and partially-replicated designs
- Analysis of variance, fi xed and mixed models
- Design and analysis of multi-environment trials, including modeling genotype-by-environment interaction
- Spatial analysis of individual and combined experiments
- Genetic designs, selection indices and genomic breeding values (GEBVs)
- Use of statistical software including SAS, GenStat, R, and ASReml
Primary lecturers
Dr. Mateo Vargas, Genetic Resources Program, CIMMYT;
Dr. Gregorio Alvarado, Genetic Resources Program, CIMMYT;
I. Randomized complete blocks designs (RCBD) and multiple comparison procedures
- Identify the basic components of variation in a randomized complete blocks design.
- Analyze information generated from fi eld experiments using RCBD and interpret the results of analysis
- Advantages and disadvantages, fixed effect models
- Generation of designs using SAS
- Statistical model and Analysis of Variance
- Example of analysis and interpretation using SAS, GENSTAT, R
- Multiple Comparison Tests: Least Signifi cant Diff erence(LSD), Honest Signifi cant Diff erence (Tukey), Scheffé
II. Incomplete blocks designs or lattices
- Identify the basic components of variation in an incomplete blocks design (IBD), recovery of intrablock and interblock information
- Increase the precision of experiments using covariance structures with the purpose of extract correlation sources between experimental plots
- Analyze information generated from experiments in agree with the former designs and interpret the results
- Incomplete Block Designs (BIBDs) or Lattices
- Advantages of Linear Mixed Models
- Alpha Lattice Designs: Generation using AlphaWin, DiGGer
- Statistical modeling with and without covariate(s)
- Example of analysis and interpretation using SAS, GENSTAT, R
- Best Linear Unbiased Estimators (BLUEs), LSD, Grand Mean and Coeffi cient of Variation using the Standard Errors of Diff erences (SED)
- Best Linear Unbiased Predictors (BLUPs), Heritability in Broad Sense (H2) and Genetic Correlations
III. Augmented designs and spatial analysis
- Identify the basic characteristics and evaluate the advantages of the Augmented Designs and the Spatial Analysis
- Analyze information generated from experiments based on Augmented Designs and Spatial Analysis, interpretation of the results
- Basic concepts and properties of augmented designs
- Basic concepts and properties of spatial analysis
- Generation of augmented designs using DiGGer, GENSTAT and ASREML
- Analysis and Interpretation of augmented designs and spatial analysis using SAS, GENSTAT and ASREML
- Analysis and Interpretation of augmented designs and spatial analysis using SAS, GENSTAT and ASREML
IV. Multi Environment trials
- Increase validation space of conclusions by mean of evaluating trials among various locations, years or combinations between them and make a best selection of genotypes
- Estimate and interpret the genetic parameters of evaluated populations at multi-environment trials
- Model and interpret the Genotype by Environment interaction using diff erent strategies
- Introduce external information of environmental and/ or genotypic covariates for assist in the interpretation of genotype by environment interaction
- Analyze information generated from multienvironment trials using diff erent software and make the interpetation of analysis outputs
- Combined analysis across multi trials:
- Statistical models
- Estimation of BLUEs and BLUPs with and without covariate(s)
- LSD, Grand Mean and Coeffi cient of Variation using the Standard Errors of diff erences (SED)
- Heritability in Broad Sense (H2 ) and Genetic Correlations among locations
- Dendrogram and PCA Biplot of genetic correlations matrix among locations
- Demo of the META: Suite of SAS programs which performs everyone of the all before trials under diff erent conditions: Randomized Complete Blocks Designs, Incomplete Block Designs with and without covariate(s), Individual and Combined Analyses
- Statistical models for the interpretation of the genotype by environment interaction: AMMI, SREG, GREG, SHMM
- Statistical models incorporating environmental and/ or genotypic covariates
- Partial least Squares regression (PLS)
- Factorial regression (FR)
- Modelling with structural equations
- Practical using SAS, GENSTAT, R
V. Genetic designs, selection indices and genomic breeding values (GEBVs)
A. Genetic designs
- Increase the knowledge of basic issues of genetic plant breeding using statistical software
- Strategies for comprehension of genetic plant breeding using genetic designs
- Importance of genetic plant breeding
- A genetic plant breeding defi nition
- Challenges and needs of the plant breeders
- Genetic designs
- How to design a genetic mating scheme, commonly mating designs
- Single-Pair mating
- North Carolina I
- North Carolina II
- Line by Tester
- Diallel designs
- Use of statistical software for analysis of genetic designs
- Recent advances in genetic designs
B. Phenotypic selection indices: Smith, ESIM, Kempthorne and Nordskog, RESIM
C. Genomic selection indices: Lande and Thompson, Lange and Whitaker
D. Genomic breeding values (GEBVs)