Since the middle of 2008 CIMMYT entered in the agreement with Google to scan our publications and make the full text available through Google Books. To date, 255 CIMMYT publications are available through Google Books. For works published as of 2000, Google Books is linked to the CIMMYT publications catalog and users can download complete high resolution pdf files. Among the top 15 visited and downloaded CIMMYT publications are:
- The Genetics and Exploitation of Heterosis in Crops (book of abstracts).
- Developing drought- and low N-tolerant maize (proceedings, Mexico).
- The Septoria .Diseases of Wheat (concepts and methods) – both English and Spanish.
- Guía práctica para la identificación de algunas enfermedades de trigo y cebada.
- Wheat production constraints in tropical environments (proceedings, Thailand).
- Maize research for stress environments (proceedings, Zimbabwe).
- Insectos nocivos del maíz (field guide).
- Estrategias y metodologías utilizadas en el mejoramiento de trigo: un enfoque multidisciplinario (proceedings, Uruguay).
- Explorando Altos Rendimientos de Trigo (proceedings, Uruguay).
- International Symposium on Wheat Yield Potential (proceedings, Mexico).
- Rust Diseases of Wheat.
- Maize in India – Production Systems, Constraints and Research Priorities.
- World Perspectives on Barley Yellow Dwarf (proceedings, Italy).
- Application of Physiology in Wheat Breeding.
- Increasing Yield Potential in Wheat: Breaking the Barriers (proceedings, Mexico).