Year: 2023

Associate Scientist - Spatial Economist

Administrative Assistant of Program Director

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Researchers provide data-driven approach to systematically analyze the production and diffusion of knowledge on food systems and climate change.


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

New CIMMYT research sheds light on farmer maize preferences in Ethiopia and western Kenya.


tag icon Capacity development

In the Mbire and Murehwa districts of Zimbabwe, smallholder farmers are being introduced to agroecology interventions as part of a CGIAR Initiative.

In the media

tag icon Environmental health and biodiversity

Source: The Farming Forum (30 Dec 2022)

Latest progress on fall armyworm prevention and protection show signs of success for smallholders.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: AgNews (29 Dec 2022)

CIMMYT Director General Bram Govaerts looks at challenges facing Mexican and global agricultural systems.


tag icon Nutrition, health and food security

Zinc and provitamin A biofortified maize genotypes have potential to reduce hidden hunger in Nepal.


tag icon Innovations

Mechanical grinders and presses are transforming cassava production in Ivory Coast and empowering women.