Year: 2023


tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

CIMMYT scientists and their Chinese counterparts discuss best methods for protecting food crop production from climate change.

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: Global Trade Review (16 Jan 2023)

The Ukraine crisis has triggered spikes in food and fertilizer prices, increasing poverty and hunger worldwide. But with a significant financing gap in investments aimed at supporting food systems, could unlocking new markets prove a fruitful way of mitigating food insecurity?

In the media

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

Source: (10 Jan 2023)

Wheat containing exotic DNA from wild relatives benefits from up to 50 percent higher yields in hot weather compared with elite lines lacking these genes, according to a new study.

Technical Assistant

tag icon Climate adaptation and mitigation

CIMMYT researchers comb through data to enumerate the benefits, and costs, of specific climate mitigation initiatives in the AFOLU sector of Mexico.

Cropping Systems Agronomist - Postdoctoral Fellow

Associate Scientist - Cropping Systems Agronomist

Associate Scientist - Innovation Studies

tag icon Capacity development

New website offers one stop shop for scaling agricultural innovations.

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist