Year: 2022
The potential of conservation agriculture in increasing yield and tackling climate change
Over three consecutive years, researchers study conservation agriculture conditions in under-developed coastal environments in South Asia.
The power of data in improving conditions for female farmers
With the help of big data, CIMMYT researchers in Bangladesh partner with Michigan State University and local NGOs to pinpoint opportunities to increase women’s participation in farm extension training sessions.
Conservation agriculture practices revive saline and sodic soils
Evidence suggests conservation agriculture can maintain the sustainability of agri-food systems in regions impaired by soil salinity and sodicity.
Afghan wheat landrace shows promise for rust resistance
Genetic analysis of the Afghan wheat landrace KU3067 reveals resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust, which can be used to develop further disease-resistant wheat varieties.
New CIMMYT maize hybrid available from South Asian Tropical Breeding Program
CIMMYT is offering a new improved maize hybrid to partners, to scale up production for farmers in the region.
More than machines
In collaboration with GIZ, CIMMYT’s Scaling Scan is helping Green Innovation Centers in Africa address the sustainability problem.
Pilot of new wheat variety improves yield for farmers in Ethiopia
Farmers in Ethiopia’s lowlands trialed usage of the Kingbird wheat variety, with promising results for improved yield and increased income.
How bad will we let the food crises get?
Dr Alison Bentley leads the Global Wheat Program at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and will be addressing the Crawford Fund’s international conference Celebrating Agriculture for Development – Outcomes, Impacts and the Way Ahead this week in Parliament House, Canberra.
Farmers’ views on app usage for information sharing
Technology offers a route to better information sharing for farmers. CIMMYT research examines whether a mobile app is the right solution.
Growing confidence in the maize business
Agricultural businesses are investing in maize to reduce Nepal’s reliance on imports of the crop and to improve the experiences of farmers.
Addressing the Global Food Crisis: CIMMYT Experts Weigh In
Source: Wilson Center (29 Jul 2022)
On the episode, ECSP Director Lauren Risi and ECSP Advisor Sharon Burke speak with Bram Govaerts, Director General of CIMMYT and his colleague Kai Sonder, head of CIMMYT’s Geographic Information System Unit, about how to address the unfolding food crisis as we simultaneously build food system resilience in the medium and long term.
Fighting back against Ug99 wheat stem rust
Source: Corteva (10 Aug 2022)
Genetic analysis plays a vital role in tackling crop diseases such as wheat stem rust, which can be financially devastating for farmers.
Achieving sixty years of wheat yield increase
Scientists in the Yaqui Valley, Mexico, release six decades of wheat research evidencing opportunities for improved wheat growth and yield.
Nepal Government endorses new site-specific fertilizer recommendations for rice
CIMMYT supports the development of site-specific fertilizer recommendations to increase rice productivity in Nepal.