Year: 2020
100Q: Boosting household survey data usability with 100 core questions
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionCGIAR socio-economic researchers have developed a standardized set of farm household survey questions to improve dataset comparability over space and time.
Back to basics: COVID-19 labour crunch brings direct seeding of paddy in focus
InnovationsSource: Down to Earth (15 Jul 2020)
While an estimated 10 percent of India’s 44 million ha of rice is cultivated through direct seeding, the COVID-19 pandemic could lead to an increase in this practice.
New analysis to help in creating yellow rust resistant wheat
InnovationsSource: World Grain (15 Jul 2020)
CIMMYT scientists perform large genome-wide association study in India, Kenya and Mexico to understand yellow rust resistance in wheat.
Conservation agriculture for sustainable intensification in Eastern India
Environmental health and biodiversityA new policy brief provides a roadmap for accelerating the adoption of conservation agriculture in Eastern India.
Cheap maize sheller saves farmers tens of hours
InnovationsSource: Farm Biz Africa (12 Jul 2020)
CIMMYT research affirms time and cost-saving advantages of sheller for smallholder maize farmers in Kenya.