Year: 2019
Transforming African agriculture through mechanization
InnovationsSource: The Nigerian Voice (3 May 2019)
The FACASI project has benefited over a hundred young people from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
New role in Nepal is “a dream come true”
Nutrition, health and food securityCynthia Carmona on her transition from grant management in Mexico to project management in Nepal.
The geese in Morelos, Mexico
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: La Repubblica (2 May 2019)
Researchers from CIMMYT, the University of Wageningen and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna published a tracing study on abandonment of maize landraces over the last 50 years in Morelos.
Representatives from eight Asian countries meet in Hyderabad to tackle fall armyworm
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: Relief Web (1 May 2019)
USAID, CIMMYT and ICRISAT convened a workshop to share experiences, best practices, approaches and challenges in managing FAW.
Deadly Fall Armyworm threat here to stay
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: The Hindu (1 May 2019)
CIMMYT, USAID, ICRISAT and CGIAR have joined hands to address FAW threat in Asia.
Policy outreach to mainstream SIMLESA learning: Q&A with Paswel Marenya
Nutrition, health and food securityAfter eight years of project learning, reflections on what conservation agriculture means for African smallholder farmers, the dialogue between scientists and policy makers, and next steps.
Taking maize agronomy to scale in Africa Q&A
InnovationsJens Andersson, a social scientist at CIMMYT, speaks on how we could reinvent advisory services for the African smallholder farmers.
New publications: Small businesses, potentially large impacts
InnovationsThe role of fertilizer traders as agricultural extension agents in Bangladesh.
Research busts common myths about agricultural labor in Africa, suggests a shift in mechanization policy
Gender equality, youth and social inclusionNew study shows African farming households are far more dependent on labor markets, and much more inclined to hire mechanization services, than previously assumed.
Using varieties and genetics to combat wheat production challenges
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: Seed World (24 Apr 2019)
Hans-Joachim Braun and two other wheat experts discuss hurdles to international wheat production and the solutions that plant breeders have developed to combat these challenges.
Abdelfattah A. Dababat
Protecting small farms in Mozambique from drought
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: (23 Apr 2019)
CIMMYT partnered with UC Davis to breed maize seeds that can withstand drought.
Chicago’s tortillas are better than ever, thanks to Masienda’s heirloom corn from Oaxaca
Nutrition, health and food securitySource: Chicago Tribune (22 Apr 2019)
Three million subsistence farmers producing heirloom corn in Mexico are protecting biodiversity.
New study identifies best agronomic practices to reduce fall armyworm damage
Nutrition, health and food securityGood weed management, conservation agriculture, and use of manure and compost are recommended to help control fall armyworm in Africa.