Year: 2018
Innovations for cross-continent collaborations
InnovationsHarinder Sidhu, Australian High Commissioner to India, visits Borlaug Institute for South Asia and climate-smart village.
USAID delegation visits CIMMYT Pakistan office
InnovationsA delegation of representatives from the USAIDās Mission for Economic Growth and Agriculture in Pakistan visited the National Agricultural Research Center to see the interventions by the Agricultural Innovation Program led by CIMMYT.
First zinc maize variety launched to reduce malnutrition in Colombia
Nutrition, health and food securityA new zinc-enriched maize variety developed by CIMMYT was released in Colombia to help combat malnutrition in South America.
Agricultural attachƩs visit CIMMYT
Agricultural attachƩs from 10 embassies in Mexico visited the headquarters of CIMMYT.
Scientists confirm value of whole grains and wheat for nutrition and health
Nutrition, health and food securityNew Publications: Storage of maize products results in vitamin loss
Nutrition, health and food securityScreening cycle for deadly MLN virus set to begin in Kenya during April 2018
TheĀ maize lethal necrosis (MLN)Ā artificial inoculation screening site in Naivasha, Kenya will begin its phenotyping (screening/ indexing) cycle of 2018 at the begining of January 2018 and in four other intervals.