Year: 2017
New Publications: Improving wheat breeding through modern genetic tools
A new study shows how wheat breeders can more efficiently increase yield and improve their selections by using modern genetic tools.
New initiative strengthens agricultural drought monitoring in Bangladesh
As Bangladesh faces an extensive drought for the second year in a row, partnerships are working to strengthen drought monitoring programs to help farmers.
Why development needs innovation
“Innovation” may be just another development buzzword, but adopting the principles behind it is crucial if organizations hope to attract funding and achieve lasting impact.
New evidence shows forests help reduce malnutrition
Living near forests can help locals increase their dietary diversity, and combat hidden hunger.
Study reveals new opportunities to cut greenhouse gas emissions in India
India is one of the world’s largest contributors to global warming, but simple changes in farm management can drastically cut emissions while meeting food demand.
Wheat forum builds partnerships for sustainable intensification in Nepal
The Government of Nepal recently endorsed a new twenty-year agriculture development strategy that charts a progressive course of action to revitalize agriculture as an engine for economic growth and domestic food security.
Zimbabwe enacts new strategy in fall armyworm fight
The fall armyworm has since caused significant damage on over 280,000 hectares of maize in Africa since 2015. Zimbabwe established a fall armyworm working group in July this year to bring all stakeholders together and find solutions to manage the impacts of the pest in the country.
New Publications: New environmental analysis method improves crop adaptation to climate change
Cross-sector collaboration needed to boost wheat production in Pakistan
Agronomy experts from across Pakistan gathered earlier this month to discuss progress in Pakistan since 2014 under the USAID funded Agricultural Innovation Program.
Entrepreneurship increases youth employment in Nepal
CSISA partnership with a young entrepreneur in Nepal helps keep other youths involved in Agriculture.
Next generation hunger fighters call education key to a food secure future
Two Borlaug-Ruan interns at CIMMYT share their opinions about battling food insecurity.
Public-private partnerships boost maize productivity in Pakistan
A recently held traveling seminar brought together private and public seed partners in Pakistan to enhance maize production and productivity in order to meet current demand and plan for future needs.
Breaking Ground: Scientist L.M. Suresh uses new technology to fight maize lethal necrosis disease in eastern Africa
Maize lethal necrosis (MLN) disease is putting maize production at risk in eastern Africa, escalating food insecurity in the region.